Monday, December 14, 2009

Oxford Circle Vocabulary

There are probably many "regionalisms" - words that are generally associated with a particular region of the country. Philadelphia has several that come to mind, such as hoagies and jimmies ("sprinkles" on ice cream). But are there words that are either unique or have a unique meaning in Oxford Circle? After discussing this with a childhood friend the other day, we've come up with two possibilities:

Breezeway - the space between two groups of rowhouses in the middle of a city block. (I placed this entry on Wikipedia). Breezeway has different meanings depending on what part of the country you live.

Texas Tommy - a hot dog with cheese and a bacon strip wrapped around it. Texas Tommies were available at the neighborhood luncheonettes. I've never heard of this food item outside of Oxford Circle.

Can you think of other words, phrases, or terms that could possibly be unique to Oxford Circle? If so, I'd love to hear from you.

Update: Punks could very well be another "Oxford Circle-ism": is that a term unique to the neighborhood? What do you think?